Vision of the Anointed is the title of a book by Thomas Sowell, an American, right wing, historian, economist and social commentator. The anointed are usually a small group of ‘professionals’ and ‘political leaders’, or ‘campaigners’ and their work frequently follows a well trodden path:
- They identify a crisis – a situation that, if not addressed, will lead to disaster
- They propose policies and interventions to ‘solve’ the crisis that they believe will lead to a positive set of results
- The policies are implemented and the results are usually (always) mixed. There will be both benefits and detriments associated with the implementation of policy
- The anointed defend the success of their vision and the policies and impacts that sprung from it.
We can see this dynamic playing out now with climate change, peak oil, low carbon economics, the benefits culture, anti social behaviour, drug misuse and so on.
This archetype for social change is based on an assumption that the problems of society can be identified by the anointed and can be resolved by their vision. Where does this leave the ‘unanointed’. Those of us who aren’t involved in the process of identification of problems and development of vision? Well we can adopt several positions. We can:
- support the vision and plans of the anointed – become their followers
- attempt to influence the anointed so that their visions and plans take some account of our vision and values
- oppose their vision and plans – become their critics – point out their detrimental effects – and seek the anointment of a different group
- blame the anointed for the ongoing existence and, in many cases, worsening of problems
In each of these cases we are giving power to the anointed. Even if we oppose their plans, we will argue for the ‘anointment’ of a different group of leaders with different values and different visions. Power remains with the anointed – whether they are on our side or not. Their social policies too will have benefits and detriments. We are relying on an anointed group to take responsibility for our success as individuals and as a society. We can then sit back and hurl either brickbats or bouquets – depending on our values and beliefs. WE are off the hook. We call this politics.
In my work I accept that their will always be an anointed and they will always be developing and implementing policies. Some of which may work for us. Some against. With the dominance of the current economic growth paradigm you are more likely to benefit if you are economically active – especially at higher levels. If you have money to invest you are likely to benefit even more. Of course we can vote and we can take part in the processes that shape their visions. The strategic plans of the anointed may be necessary – but they are not sufficient.
We should not rely on them to make our lives better. They do not hold the keys to progress for us. We hold them, if we have the courage and confidence to recognise it. Often though we collude with the anointed as they unwittingly ‘put the leash’ on our enterprise, creativity and civic participation as they envelop us in their plans.
An approach to social policy and change that relies on the ‘vision of the anointed’ is like an ‘old school’ business that says to its employees – come to work, do as your told, work hard on implementing our cunning plans and policies and we will see you alright. Just comply. Don’t think. Just do. We have clever people in the boardroom who put us on course. Compliance and order are the key organising values…
Many modern organisations have recognised that in fact with ‘every pair of hands a brain comes free’. The organisation is turned upside down. It is employees in the frontline who are asked to be enterprising and innovative in making things better. The brains in the boardroom find ways to keeping this innovation and enterprise ‘on mission’. Their job is to facilitate the emergence of strategy from a social process involving many brains. They don’t have an elite planning ‘cathedrals of the future’ developing blueprints for others to implement. They instead manage a messy bazaar of ideas and innovation helping all the market traders to promote their ideas and form allegiances for progress. They value a culture of enterprise over compliance. They build chaordic systems.
Person centred and responsive work helps people to recognise the limitations of the anointed and helps them to recognise that the best hope for making things better, in ways that they value, lies less in engaging with the anointed and more in engaging with their own sense of purpose and practical association, collaboration and organisation with their peers. It lies in their own enterprise and endeavour. From a collection of enterprising and creative individuals emerges a diverse and sustainable community.
When we talk about encouraging civic enterprise, I think we are talking about shifting the balance of power from implementing the visions of the anointed to empowering the ambitions of the citizen.
If this analysis has any truth to it then the implications for leadership and its development are enormous.