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› Forums › Intelligent Kindness – Rehabilitating the Welfare State › Welcome to the Intelligent Kindness Reading Circle
As well as arranging for us to discuss the book in virtual calls I though it might be handy to have an online space where you could post whenever was convenient to you.
As I have been managing the signup process I have noticed that it looks like women outnumber men by about 4 to 1! Is this an issue? What does it tell us? Should we do anything about it?
IMHO this might well be a good answer to the question:
“are there so few women leaders because women are more interested in lipstick, handbags and designer shoes?”.
Just my humble opinion that the stats in this forum show that the answer is a clear:
“nah, no way! That can’t be the reason, it must be down to something else, but not out of lack of interest on the side of the female of the species 🤔”.
is it not more a reflection of the predominance of women working in the NHS and welfare sector? However this does reflect the leadership profile – the glass ceiling does still exist, and in terms of applying for more senior positions, women are less likely than men to apply for the same post even if equally (under)qualified for the position.
I am looking forward to being challenged on my experiences and perspectives on organisational cultures, and what role “kindness” might play in being effective and efficient – especially going forward in the current political and economic climate.