From time to time I set up a reading circle.
A group of us agree to read a book and then meet up online to discuss what we have read, share insights and ideas for how it might shape our practice.
Sometimes I will also create a private forum that gives members of the reading group a chance to post comments, insights or thoughts whenever they want and to drop in and read what others have written.
I currently have two reading groups ‘on the go’;
The first is for The Good Immigrant edited by Nikesh Shukla
We will be holding a zoom conference to discuss The Good Immigrant on August 13th from 7pm. Contact me if you would like to join us…
The second is for Intelligent Kindness – Rehabilitating the Welfare State by Ballatt, Campling and Maloney (2nd Ed)
If you are interested in joining either Reading Group please use the contact form (accessed from the main menu) to get in touch and let me know which reading group you are interested in.
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