The Care Manifesto is a short book, less than 100 pages, written by the Care Collective.
It articulates a radical vision that puts care at the very heart of our lives and politics.
I plan to start a new reading group to explore the book and its relevance to management and leadership in health and care.
We will focus on just one section each week covering the whole book in just 6 weeks. It IS less than 100 pages after all!
The book is divided into 6 sections:
- Caring Politics – 24 March
- Caring Kinships – 31 March
- Caring Communities – 7 April
- Caring States – 14 April
- Caring Economies – 21 April
- Caring for the World – 28 April
All sessions will run from 5-6pm.
Fancy joining us? Book here – just 20 places available…
what time on those days, Mike?
Apologies 5-6pm
Hi Mike,
I’d be interested. What time on a Wednesday?
Sorry 5-6pm