Since Lockdown I have been convening regular dialogues on the need to develop our practice as leadership developers, and it has been a spiritually, emotionally and intellectual rewarding endeavour.
Here is a little flavour…
Dialoguer 1: In the work I did for thirty years or something I did a lot of work with leaderless groups where there was no appointed leader or designated leader. And then the leadership just begins to flow. It wells up out of the ground, right? Like looking at spring water. It’s there, its rich in our relationships as human beings, it’s hard to even suppress it. Because we are potentially able to exhibit leadership in any situation.
Leadership Dialogue 7
It’s hard to suppress it. You allow leadership to flow between people and the one who has it, at any instant, right, so one moment it’s the elder the next moment, it’s the problem solver or something, you know that it bubbles. It, effervesces in relationships, as people begin to engage with each other, allowing each other to, to respond.
Dialoguer 2: The language there reminds me of a poem that Rumi wrote in about 1500 and something called Two kinds of Intelligence. And I was wondering if we could reimagine it around two kinds of leadership. He talks about the first kind of intelligence as what you learn at school, it’s manufactured, it’s created. You learn it from books and from teachers and you collect it, you amass it, and he talks about how that’s a hard intelligence to maintain. But it does give you a certain power in the world. And he talks about strolling with your intelligence around the world. And then he talks about the second kind of intelligence as being already complete and in you. Like a spring that overflows, that bubbles up. And he and he, he talks about cultivating that second form of intelligence as being the key to transcendence really. But most of us get judged by our first form of intelligence. You know, how much knowledge we’ve got in our heads? And it just just strikes me there. You know, this thing of leadership as learned technique, versus leadership as an innate expression of love.
If you would like to join us in a future exploration into Leadership and Its Development you can do so here….
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